Anyone who has ever gotten seriously into fitness - any type of fitness - knows that one of the things that is most enjoyable about it is the sense of camaraderie you get with other people who are also into fitness. Sometimes this can go a bit too far and become cliqueish - yes crossfitters, I'm looking at you - but mostly it's just a nice thing to share and talk about with friends.
I work out entirely at home, so I don't go to classes where I make friends, but even so I get a sense of connection with other people who are also dedicated to workouts. It's a great topic of conversations, and it's something you can connect with other people on even when you don't know them well. It's something people like to brag about a little, something they are proud of, so it gives people a chance to talk about themselves, and to share experiences and tips.
I always feel a little outside the circle when I am not working out regularly, and I really do like being on the inside.
Day 29, Reason 29: The sense of connection with others who are dedicated to workouts.
Only ONE DAY LEFT of the 30 Days, 30 Reasons, No-Scale Challenge.
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